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You will use developmental theories and concepts to analyze your own developmental processes focusing on adulthood

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

You will use developmental theories and concepts to analyze your own developmental processes focusing on adulthood. Use a variety in your sentence structure and wording. You should not use direct quotes, but rather summarize and paraphrase insight from your sources. You will use your textbook and at least 3 other scholarly sources (no less than 4 sources total) to create your developmental analysis. Your paper must be at least 8 pages including a title page, 6 pages in the body, and a reference page. *You may have up to 8 pages in the body of your paper.

Use the following headings to organize your content:
Personal Introduction to Adulthood
Provide a concise introduction to significant personal characteristics, family dynamics and support structures, and meaningful events or occurrences. This section should be no more than 1 page. 
Theoretical Perspectives of Development Postformal Thought according to Perry

Explain how the process of moving from dualism to relativism is applicable to your own thought development. Refer to the  portion of your textbook or outside references that address(es) Perry’s theory of intellectual and ethical development in the college years. Focus on the period of adulthood and how you have grown into your current stage of cognitive and moral development. (Approx. one-half page).

Adult Attachment and Relationships
Examine outside references that address(es) the attachment prototypes in peer/romantic tradition. Provide explanations and examples of your own adult attachment challenges and strengths. Also, use the insights from the portion of the textbook or outside references that address(es) research on young adult dyadic relationships to draw conclusions about your partnership selection, elements of intimacy, satisfaction and stability, as well as communication styles and conflict resolution. (Approx. 1 page).
Career Development Process: Super’s Approach (Chapter 12)

Examine textbook or outside references that address(es) the Super Developmental approach to determine what stage you are currently in and what you anticipate will be important influences in the future for you to move into the next stage or maintain a current stage. (Approx. one-half page).
Identity Development

Examine or outside references that address(es) Erikson’s theory related to adulthood. Depending on your age and life experience, identify which stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development you are in and examine how you managed the crisis period? Are there any notable influences, good or bad, that will help you navigate successfully to the next stage? (Approx. one-half page).
Personality and Temperament

Examine or outside references that address(es) the Big 5 personality traits. Provide explanations and examples of your own personality and temperament characteristics in adulthood related to these personality traits. (Approx. one-half page).
Family Life Cycle

Examine outside references that address(es) States of Family life cycle. Identify the stage, transitions, and tasks that are most relevant to your current life cycle. Provide explanations and examples of your own transitions and tasks that correspond with your current stage. (Approx. one-half page).

Culture, Religion and Well Being
In Chapter 14, culture, religion, and well-being are detailed. Select at least 2 concepts in this chapter that you find most meaningful to your own development. Provide explanation and examples of how these concepts are relevant to you. Integrate a Christian worldview and biblical themes as appropriate. (Approx. 1 page).
Ending Well

Chapters 14 and 15 provide a comprehensive overview of many considerations for end of life care and quality of life. Use these concepts to examine your own morality and how do you anticipate your own dying process. Conclude this section of your paper with a self-eulogy; you can include a statement, Bible verse, quote, or other significant details. (Approx. 1 page).

Provide a complete list of references in current APA format that you used to inform your paper. At least 3 scholarly resources, in addition to your textbook, are required.

Writing Guidelines:
Your references can include peer-reviewed journal articles found in Liberty’s library or credible web resources; if you are not sure of the credibility of your web resource, please ask your instructor before using it.  Provide appropriate in-text citations and references for any information you use in this paper. Write the paper using professional writing etiquette and consult the  Liberty Writing Center if you have questions about grammar or format. Remember that all work must be your own and plagiarism is not tolerated.  Anything that is not common knowledge or is not an original thought must be cited. 

Citations should be rephrased into your own words. In-text citations must be in current APA format (Author, Year).

751 Words  2 Pages
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