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International student’s challenge and adjustment to college


  • International students are enrolled all over the world’s universities and colleges.
  • They are basically of importance to these states where they join their universities.
  • However, these students do face a lot of challenges in the course of their learning.
  • Some of these problems result from the different foods, languages, learning schedule, unfamiliar lifestyle, difficulties in culture acceptance and personal hindrances.
  • Statistically, those students affected by cultural stress amount to 50%, while 11% were affected by homesick issues, 50% are affected by the long distance study and 5.9 % are thought to be affected by the increment in studies.


  • As a result of the different challenges facing the international students, the transition period takes so long.
  • Transition process entails the transition from the daily lives to the cultural adoption (Wu et al 5).
  • Creation of an international department is one of the major supports that can help these students to be able to adopt their new lives.
  • However it is important to note that the universities administration should ensure that they embrace these students in a better way.
  • With time, the students will be able to adapt fully to the new language.



Counseling department

  • According to the various research carried out, it is evident that about 41% of the students experience stress.
  • The stress may be caused by homesick, cultural tremor as well as discrimination.
  • Counseling is however regarded as the best solution to helping these students.

Activities in the counseling department

  • Language being regarded as the greatest challenge facing these students.
  • The department offers them with experienced students who help these students by communicating to them in foreign language as they guide the students (Wu et al 5).
  • Most of these students fail to get compassion from the hosting university and since their families are away it is important to help them using counseling department.


  • It is important that these students should be enrolled in the counseling department for their easier survival in the new environment.
  • Those students who adapt easily to the new environment are able to perform well.
  • While those who fail to adopt well are subjects to stress which can ultimately result to suicide and psychological problems.
  • Counseling department is therefore important in the transition process of international students.
  • Statistical graph
  • Retrieved from







Wu, Hsiao-ping, Esther Garza, and Norma Guzman. "International student’s challenge and adjustment to college." Education Research International 2015 (2015).


405 Words  1 Pages
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