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Victim and Suspect Typologies Scenario

Victim and Suspect Typologies Scenario

            Response 1

            The fact that the victim knew the suspect from the work place where most of the victims identified their suspect as an acquaintance made the victim a typical victim. We cannot say that the victim is at fault because if we do that we would be setting free the suspect. However, in this case, has to somehow expect blame since she put herself in the situation. This is because she mixed drugs and alcohol and also stole and trusted in a stranger made her a part to blame since the probability of the expected outcome is from good to bad. The cost of victimization that the victim suffered was pain as well as misery after being hit by the suspect in the face basing on the severity of the attack at that time.

            Response 2

            The suspect does not fit in all the trends however she does fit some trends such as drug abuse violations as he is found to have weed in his apartment. She also violated the liquor law as she is underage and according to the law he is not supposed to consume alcohol. She is also on the wrong side of the law as her disorderly conduct an assault for striking the victim. According to the suspect he could have been the victim himself in the property crime. It is true to say that the victim’s education has a reflection of his social class, her residence area and the experience to delinquent opportunity that exposes her to crime. This shows that an opportunity to commit crime is quite at a higher rate in the lower class individuals. There are a couple of ways that the suspect seems not to fit in certain trends such as the issue on drunkenness from the time when it was not stated that he was not drunk to the theft case of the victim  taking weed of the suspect without his permission.


328 Words  1 Pages
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