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Krumboltz’s social learning theory

Krumboltz’s social learning theory

    According to the theory, learning can occur in different ways such as observing and direct proficiencies. There are four features involved in the career development of this theory that is the genetics and talents, the environment, learning proficiencies and task approach expertise. The theory suggests that the career choices are affected by a period of learning practices followed by attainment of the learning skills and finally one can be able to make decisions on the career as they have attained the skills relevant for the process. This theory is important and the choosing of this theory is relevant to any career (Patton et al 2014). This is because education is power and thus one has to first get the learning experiences that will help one to be successful in the career of choice.

    It is true that we all have different abilities that assist us in our careers while the environment in which we are living in help in the molding of our careers. This is because the environment that surrounds us offers us learning proficiencies that are so essential in the career development. For instance, being brought up in a business like an environment offers one an opportunity to learn on some of the important business skills (Patton et al 2014). This enhances them to be able to take relevant actions in the field of business as well as making the right career choice for the kind of business career that they want to be involved in.

    A job is a specific task that one carries out as part of the routine of one’s profession for an agreed payment. While a career is one that takes a long life process where one is able to attain continuous growth and development. According to the two videos, it is clear that a career is something that one does and it is driven by the passion one has on that occupation (Smith 2011). However, a job is a piece of work that one does without being driven by passion but rather by the payment that one earns from the job (Constanza 2011).


















            Constanza G.(2011). Career Change. Retrieved from:

                Patton, W., & McMahon, M. (2014). Career development and systems theory: Connecting theory and practice.

            Smith L. (2011). Why You Will Fail To Have a Great Career. Retrieved from:




396 Words  1 Pages
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