State Assessments
Social Study is highly encouraged in my state since it serves an essential part to the society. The study is the only one that makes students understand various fundamental concepts of cultural, monetary as well as economic plus political skills thus; preparing them into polished, prolific citizens. Social Study generates the understanding of how the world works especially on the social levels. The study is possibly tested at all grades simply because it is about memorizing set of dates however, teachers believe that when tested at the master level it motivates as well as motivates student’s interest in the subject. At master level it is genuine that social study is armed with high respect on history thus; students are prepared to avoid mistakes in the past as well as graph a new course for the future.
Reducing the time devoted for social study lessons will be more effective due to various reasons. Firstly most children are brought up without the skills they need to thrive the twenty-first century thereby they require the study to boost their little knowledge. Social study is integrative by nature thereby; it should be strengthened in schools thereby; if the lessons are reduced it would mean reduction of the disciplinary boundaries which are effective in promoting social understanding as well as civil efficiency. Social study needs more lessons as mathematics because it is the only study that integrates knowledge, skills and disposition with genuine actions. Social study is an effective practice which should not be limited thus, teaches opts to guide children in developing it knowledge across the curriculum. Civic capability is not only accountability of social studies nor is it trendy to the pitch; it is more essential to social studies than to any other subject area in school.