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The Talent Pipeline and Executive On boarding

The Talent Pipeline and Executive On boarding

Talent pipeline refers to group of candidates who are considered qualified to occupy newly created positions or those left vacant due to promotion or retirement (Caplan, 2011). Executive On boarding is a process put in place by an organization to have new executive integrated in such a manner that they get full acceptance and successfully assume their roles (Oakes & Galagan, 2011). This process is critical in organization since it assist in defining, attracting and developing the appropriate mix of needed talent which offers support and growth in organization.  Talent pipeline assist in coming up with skills and qualifications required for a certain role and identifying individuals who strongly fit the position (Caplan, 2011). An executive On boarding plan assist in identifying the required leader characteristics and thus provide the human resource expert such information before potential candidates are searched (Oakes & Galagan, 2011). The two aspects help in the interview process where the recruiter and recruited can honestly assess personalities and the right match or work specific styles. A direct outreach can be an appropriate way of accessing talent pipeline through the use of personal information in platforms such as LinkedIn. There is a need to include changes in the way in which pipelines match the future employer needs. Such changes include developing a proactive talent pipeline that can also capture passive talents. This is based on the need for indentifying the talent early and thus minimizes the time for filling future positions(Caplan, 2011).   


  • Have well prepared well come letters
  • Prepare necessary stationeries for new executives
  • Notify the participants in the organization of the arrival date for new executive
  • Work with other various departments such as IT to have a coordinated work space for the executive
  • Corporate with security to have a clearance process that is timely
  • Provide the executive with the necessary information such as list of stakeholders, leaders of various agencies and contact details on the first day.
  • Assign an individual to serve as a mentor to orient the executive into the organizational culture.



Oakes, K., & Galagan, P. (2011). The executive guide to integrated talent management. Alexandria, Va: ASTD Press. 4

Caplan, J. (2011). The value of talent: Promoting talent management across the organization. London: Kogan Page. 64

381 Words  1 Pages
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