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experience with on-line learning

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

1) Share your experience with on-line learning.  Is this your first on-line course?  Why are you taking this course on-line?
2) Share your most embarrassing incident with writing. What happened? How did you feel about it?
3) What is the most important thing you want the class to know about you? 

To give you ideas, here is the answers for the three questions above:

1) I always take at least 1 online class when i started college. This isn't the first online course i take. I'm taking this online course (Writing for Business Professionals), is because I rather take my time at home/library to concentrate on my writing skills in front of a screen. I'm used to having my laptop when i wrote and dictionary, always.

2) Since english is my second language, and i started to learned english when i was 10 years old, the most embarassing incident with writing was when i repeated the same thing over and over again, or not using the correct grammar. Grammar was hard, and still hard for me sometimes because my mother tongue (first language), does not have paste tense. But since I practice and keep reading books, i'm better.

3) This is a hard question because i'm not an open book kinda person. Prob, I can say that I am interested to look forward to learn and get better with my writing skills.

*Note: If you find you don't have enough to say to get to 300 words with the required question, the optional questions are provided to give you more to talk about. You are not required to answer the optional questions. It is better to answer one question in depth than to provide short answers to every question.

298 Words  1 Pages
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