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Considering this information, of the results presented contains essential information which tests the statistical validity of some of the assumptions which ought to be checked through the use of the SPPSS output. With regard to its hypothesis, it consists of all important information which assists in supporting the thesis statement. The reason for that is because there is the possibility of misinterpreting the output or input. Since there is the need of highlighting the differences which exists between the two tests, understanding the functionality in which it is built in.

On the other hand, the appropriateness of the analytical approach used is that there is the need of understanding the all the procedures used before proceeding any further. Therefore, clerical category used cannot not be replaced the letter codes without the general loss of data. Since there is some of the information which assists in retaining the original data, there is the need of merging the test into the precise information given.

With respect to the above consideration, formulating the hypothesis of the data to be collected, the analysis of the information from the sample gathered offers a null hypothesis. In this regard, there is the need of rejecting such a hypothesis because it entails the comparison between the p-value of the significance level as well as rejecting it in case it was to be less the level perceived. Although the theorem doesn’t display the difference which exist between the sample means, the whole population can be invariant or unequal. This is because. Since, the variance cannot be equalized, there is no need of expecting the test to be much more different in the final output.

281 Words  1 Pages
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