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Considering this case study, individual life is perceived as being multimodal. The reason for this consideration is because whenever one mode is made use for sufficing an individual, there is the provision of a four VARK profile (Van, 2012). This the main reason as to why this method continues to provide a considerable scores as well as a mixture of the other models. For that sake, all those might be having a standpoint with preference with the scores which are defined above the multimodal point (Pecora, 2010). 

In addition to that, the preference which is offered to the depiction in graphs and son on indicates that people make use of these parameters to represent all that that might have been represented through the use of words. Although this mode could have been as the graphical representation, it does not have the capacity of including photographic realities, videos, still pictures, and so on.  In addition to that, the fact is that there is no possibility of using such highlights in conveying information to individuals (Pecora, 2010). This means that whenever meaningful symbols are used to represent are sued to represent amongst diverse parameters, it will be more beneficial to visual presence.

In addition to that, there exist some individuals who are much flexible in communication preference for the sake of switching from one approach to another for the sake of ensuring that they have the right path of working on it (Pecora, 2010). For instance, if there is the need of handling legalities, there is the need of applying their skills so as to demonstrate the kinesthetic preferences of expressing or championing their views (Van, 2012). Although there individual who might be contented with such an input in the preferable modes, the longer the gathering of information takes, the brooder the understanding. In return decision-making as well as can be a better option of breath understanding.


Pecora, P. J. (2010). Strategic supervision: A brief guide for managing social service organizations. Los Angeles: Sage.

Van, B. D. L. (2012). College study skills: Becoming a strategic learner. Boston, MA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.

352 Words  1 Pages
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