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Philosophy of love

Philosophy of love


Love is a strong feeling towards someone or something which is valuable to a person. People tend to love things which they value in their lives. Love is supposed to be a positive aspect of life, but it might also lead to negative effects in the world. In this essay, I will show my understanding, and how I perceive love to be.

Love is natural and one cannot be compelled to love. When someone loves a person or something, the feeling becomes natural, and it cannot be easily changed. Forced love is non-existent, since a person cannot be forced to love. The feeling of love towards something or someone comes from within our hearts, making us to naturally love something, and to also distaste other things. The natural feeling of love cannot therefore be forced, since love is the heart’s desire.

 Love is very significant in life, but it may also be destructive. Love is important for maintaining peaceful coexistence amongst people. In addition, it is very useful in uniting people from different areas. On the other hand, love may be destructive, since it binds people together, thus leading to jealousy. When jealousy kicks in, the love which existed fades away, leading to hatred and separation.


In this essay, I have explained how love can be both significant and destructive. In addition, I have also talked about love being natural. Love is significant in bringing people together, thus leading to peaceful co-existence. On the other hand, it can also lead to destruction due to the creation of jealousy which leads to hatred. Finally, since love comes from the inside, one cannot be forced to love, love comes out naturally.






284 Words  1 Pages
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