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Paper instructions:
I need to have this literature review fixed according to the professor's notes. Also I need you to do PART 2 for me, which will include:
1. Title Page
2. The Abstract (15 points)
a. Should start on its own page, and should have the headers and page numbers you did on the title page.
b. The word ABSTRACT should be centered on your page
c. The abstract should be no longer that 120 words
d. Make sure you include keywords!
3. The Corrected Literature Review
4. The Methods Section (30 points)
a. The word METHODS should be centered on your page
b. You should include an overview of the research that focuses on your hypotheses
c. Design
5. References
a. All references in APA format
6. Appendices (Demographic Questionnaire)
7. Writing Quality (5 points)