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Using one non-profit site that you have chosen in your discussion board, you will discuss the site in Section One. First, list the name of agency, address, and website for the site. Then, describe the agency and the programs that it offers. This should b

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:


This written paper has THREE main sections, each listed below; each are required for the final paper and should be submitted to as a coherent whole. You will also include a reference page that will be submitted as part of the paper. The total length of the paper will be 4-5 pages, double-spaced (maximum length is five pages, with the reference page being the 5th page).

APA-style citations are required both in-text and in your reference page. If you provide information from the textbook, organization websites, etc., without proper citation, you will receive a 0 on your paper and be reported for plagiarism. The reference page is mandatory. 

The paper should be written in a narrative format, but you are encouraged to label each section clearly for your instructor for ease of grading. Do not cut/paste the questions into your document.

You are required to use APA Style Citation Format for your external (agency) citations as well as the textbook citation, both in-text and in the reference page.  APA style refers to the citations only; you are not required to use an APA format for the paper itself, since it is not a research paper and does not require an abstract, methods, etc. 


For your rough draft, you will turn in an outline of your paper. Each section should be clearly labeled. 

FINAL APPLICATION PAPER REQUIRED SECTIONS -- all sections should be written in narrative form. 

Section 1: Overview of Service Site

Using one non-profit site that you have chosen in your discussion board, you will discuss the site in Section One. First, list the name of agency, address, and website for the site.

Then, describe the agency and the programs that it offers. This should be a general description of the focus of the agency. Do not just cut/paste large chunks of information from the agency website; paraphrase and provide citations. Because you will be using information from a website or brochure, be sure to provide a citation. You should answer the following:

What is the mission of the agency? (with citation, use quotation marks if you use direct quotes)
What is the specific population that they serve (e.g., "consumers") and the social issue that they address? How do they address the social issue?
How do they get their funding and resources?
How does this agency's work impact the community? What would happen if this agency disappeared from the community?
Section 2: COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Community Site

In this section, you will discuss specific concepts (highlighted in your paper in bold) that relate to all three areas of physical, cognitive and socioemotional development in this analysis. The goal of this section is to address how the COVID-19 pandemic is specifically impacting this site, their staff/volunteers and their consumers in the physical, cognitive and socioemotional domains. You are required to use at least 2-3 course concepts per domain (6-9 concepts maximum) in this section and provide the textbook citation for each. You are also required to use at least 2 external websites (e.g., CDC, WHO) as references for the pandemic impact.

Do not use generic/global terms: Terms such as "physical development," "cognitive development," "socioemotional development," adulthood and aging," etc., are so vague as to not provide specific descriptions and detract from the analysis. It must be a specific concept or theory from the text

Type your specific terms/concepts in bold print and provide the citation in APA style, with Page #.

Section 3: Bronfenbrenner Model Integration

In this section, use each layer of Bronfenbrenner’s model to discuss the short-term and long-term impact of COVID-19 on this specific site. You can create a generic consumer as an example (e.g., create a false consumer to walk through the model with) or you can speak in generalities. However, you must specifically address each of the levels of Bronfenbrenner’s model (microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem). You do not need to discuss chronosystem.

End your paper with a paragraph answering this question: What could you personally do at this moment to positively impact the site and the consumers they serve, without directly serving them? You can address it at any of the following levels: Individuals, communities, education or government/policy. Provide at least one concrete solution that is realistic given the current social distancing guidelines, and how you would complete this action. 

Reference Page

The reference page will be the last page of your application paper. At a minimum, the reference page will include the informational source for the service site (website, brochure, personal communication) and the textbook, as well as the two required external references. Include any additional references that you used to write the paper. This should be written in APA style. 

802 Words  2 Pages
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