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American Porn

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

For this Discussion Board topic we are going to watch a video online and then discuss what we saw the video is "American Porn" at the website. When you access the website there are 6 chapters of the video. After you watch the video I would like you to make an original post regarding your reaction to the video.

Please address each of the following questions: 
1. What new information did you learn regarding porn? Compare the video to information in your text 
2. What about the video surprised or shocked you? 

3. What is your reaction to the video?

4. How does this relate to in the information in the text. 
Make sure you include specific information from the video to support your answers. It should be clear from your post that you watched the video and understand the material in the text.

Please post any questions you have about this assignment on the class Discussion Board "Q/A". I suggest you view the video as soon as possible in case you have any problems accessing it you will have time to complete the assignment. You may contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have questions/problems accessing the video. 

This DB is worth extra points; 15 points for your original post and up to 10 points for replies. You should thoroughly answer the questions for your original post and use very specific examples from the video. Because this is worth twice as many points I expect a longer original post (about 500 words) and more in-depth discussion (replies should be about 200 words each). I will be assessing points (partially) on originality of your ideas and thoroughness of your answers. I want to be able to tell from your response that you watched the video and understood the main ideas and concepts.

Paste this link into your browser for the video
Book: Sexuality Now - Embracing Diversity, 3rd Edition Janell L. Carroll

334 Words  1 Pages
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