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Write ONE personal life-experience essay chosen from the following topic

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Paper Instructions:

Write ONE personal life-experience essay chosen from the following topic-
Choose one of Erik Erikson’s 8 Psychosocial “crises” (#1-trust vs. mistrust: HOPE; #2-autonomy vs. shame and doubt: WILL; #3-initiative vs. guilt: PURPOSE; #4-industry vs. inferiority: COMPETENCE/SKILL; #5-identity vs. role confusion: FIDELITY; #6-intimacy vs. isolation: LOVE; #7-generativity vs. stagnation: CARE; #8-integrity vs. despair: WISDOM). Write about the psychosocial stage to which you can bring the most first-hand observation, feeling, and analysis. Refer to “Erikson’s Eight Ages of Man” and to pages 205-216 on the attachment.

93 Words  1 Pages
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