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An important part of psychology is the ability to write concisely about research and psychological science.

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RUBRIC: Summarizing a Psychology Article

An important part of psychology is the ability to write concisely about research and psychological science. Thus, the writing assignment for this class requires you to write a summary (2 pages) of a famous psychology article from a pre-selected list of studies for the entire course. Students will be required to briefly summarize the theoretical rationale for the study, describe the methodology and procedures the researchers use, the main findings and implications of those findings, as well as a critique of the study as a whole.

o    INTRODUCTION: Research Problem & Question. (15 points)
o    Provide a brief description of the research problem and research question of the article (5 points)
o    Make note of any prior studies/knowledge that led researchers to their hypothesis (5 points)
o    Clearly state the hypotheses that seek to answer the research question stated previously (5 points) 

o    DESIGN: Summarize the methods of the Experiment. (7.5 points)
o    Remember you only have to discuss one experiment or study in the paper. 
o    What sample did the researchers use? (number of participants, age, race, etc). (2.5 points)
o    List the methods and procedure (2.5 points)
o    State any key independent and dependent variables (2.5 points).  

o    RESULTS: Correctly summarize the results of the experiment. (7.5 points)
o    In your own words, correctly summarize the results of the study you chose (5 points)
o    Include results from key variables. Were these results significant or not (5 points)

o    Application: Explain what the results of this study means, and how the results of this study can be used (15 points)
o    Explain what the results of this study means in reference to the research question/hypotheses (5 points)
o    Explain how the results of the study may be applied to the real world/outside the laboratory (5 points)
o    How might others factors change/influence the results in future studies?
♣    Discussion and Results should be framed in reference to the hypotheses & key variables

o    Conclusion: summarize the entirety of your summary paper in 3-4 brief sentences (2.5 points)
o    Formatting/Grammar: proper use of APA formatting, including a title page, citations, and a reference page. Using concise language; avoiding jargon. 2.5 points)

383 Words  1 Pages
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