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Describe your beliefs about the success or failure of English Language Learners with 3 Prompts:

Questions and Topics We Can Help You Answering; 

Describe your beliefs about the success or failure of English Language Learners with 3 
1. CULTURE: Describe your beliefs about Assimilation (melting pot) and Acculturation (salad bowl). Which cultural belief should be practiced in U.S. schools? CITE EVIDENCE to support your position (2 citations)=4pts
(Please read and cite information from the two chapter 1 (part 1& ) files I upload. )

2. LANGUAGE: Describe your understanding of theories on how ELs acquire/learn language and how that informs your teaching. CITE EVIDENCE to support your position (2 citations)=4pts 
(The two chapter 3 files contain some information for this question. )

3. CULTURAL COMPETENCE: Discuss 2 professional behaviors for working with diverse families that demonstrate cultural competence. CITE EVIDENCE to support your position (2 citations)=4pts 
(Please be specific on what are you going to do, give example). 

Need six references in total.
And I upload files "Chapter 1 (part 1&2)," "Chapter 3" and "Chapter 6 (part 1&2)" please use them as three references and cite the page number.
Please find three more references. 

182 Words  1 Pages
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