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curriculum as transmission of information

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Please answer the following questions: I will scan the documents that you will need. You can also you the Internet. 

1. Compare and contrast the “curriculum as transmission of information” and “curriculum as product approaches to curriculum.” 

2. By the end of the 1970s there was a dramatic shift in the purpose and nature of public schools. Construct an essay explaining why this is so. 

3. The state of Pennsylvania’s chief education officer spearheaded the development of a competency-based system to replace just listing required courses. This took place in 1981, but nothing was done. Explain what took place, why it went that way, and what eventually happened in the 1990s. 

4. If the new vision of education stresses construction and discovery rather than instruction can this be done in today’s era of accountability? State and defend your position.

147 Words  1 Pages
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