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Teaching Tolerance and Embracing Diversity

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

Design a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation for teachers and administrators in K-12 or higher education entitled “Teaching Tolerance and Embracing Diversity”.  The presentation should contain 15-20 slides that will contain what you believe is the most helpful advice for teachers and administrators to know in order to successfully teach students how to embrace diversity.

Your slides should contain original summaries and should not contain too many words.  Each slide should also contain an image.  Use your imagination.  Think outside of the box.  You must use your textbook and at least two additional references from the KU library for your presentation.  Include a references page at the end of the presentation.  If you currently work in a K-12 or higher education setting, consider presenting this assignment during an in-service workshop to benefit your colleagues.

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NOTE:  Save this as a Word document using the following file naming convention:


Two college online resources are attached to include in power point and third resource of ch 6 book is listed below:

Bode, P., & Nieto, S. (2012). Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education 6th Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson

208 Words  1 Pages
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