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Cooperative education essay

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CIVE 430- Report format

These are some indicative guidelines to help you in preparing your report from your Co-Operative Education. Total length should be approximately 30 pages (page numbers indicated below are indicative). The report must be written in English.
Depending on the structure applied by the company/organization, there are normally two "stereotypes" of Co-Operative Educations that might be experienced by the students. These are "Mission Co-Operative Education" and "Orientation Co-Operative Education":
• The "Mission Co-Operative Education" consists of assigning to the student one or more project(s) with pre-defined objective, work plan and specific deliverables to be submitted to the company/organization. The student is immersed in a specific functional area, becomes part of the operations of a department or function, and his or her competencies are deepened through the mission(s).
• The "Orientation Co-Operative Education" aims at introducing the student to a range of professions and areas/functions within the company/organization. The student might be engaged in a rotation program between different functions, might be invited to participate in seminars and training programs, or might join one or more managers and accompany them in an apprenticeship mode. In the Orientation Co-Operative Education the student's competencies are broadened through the activities he or she is engaged in.
In the following, very general guidelines are provided for the Co-Operative Education report. Where applicable, a distinction is made between the Mission Co-Operative Education (MC) vs. the Orientation Co-Operative Education (OC).
Each student is required to call in or meet for a face-to-face discussion regarding the nature of the Co-Op and what is required of the student.

Report Structure.
1. Title Page and Abstract.
It is compulsory to send this form by e-mail to the class instructor in advance so guidance can be provided.  
2. Executive summary (2 pages)-
MC: Objective of the mission, method/line of action, principal results and recommendations made.
OC: Key learnings acquired, indication of activities undertaken.
3. Acknowledgements
Appropriate acknowledgements towards the company/organization, and other players involved in the process of the internship.
4. Table of Contents 
1. Introduction : Chapter 1​(3 pages)
- Presentation of the company/organization 
- Description of the main activities and processes of the company/organization. Reflections on the role and importance of the function(s) that you have worked in. 
MC additional:
- Definition and description of the mission 
- Context of the mission. How did the problem appear? 
- Scope and limitations of the mission  
2. Chapter 2-Literature review  (Situation Analysis) (4-5 pages)
Detailed context of the project integrating directly related literature, back ground literature, Internet sources etc. Depending on the context of the internship, the below can be integrated:
- Best Practices of similar situations/problems 
- Analysis of external factors/drivers, 
- Analysis of internal factors/drivers, 
- Analysis of technology factors, 
- Market considerations 
- Competitive considerations (SWOT, Porter…) 
3. For MC only: Chapter 3 – Design of Study (Project Methodology and Steps of Execution) (6 pages)
- Alternative ways of tackling the problem that you considered and conclusion on what way you selected to follow and why you selected that particular way. 
- Description of the methodology employed. Motivation of why a particular methodology was used. 
- The steps of execution with their objectives, realizations and gaps between expectations and outcomes from a methodological perspective. 
4.  (OC: CH 3).Chapter 4 Key Results/Key Learnings (5 pages)
- Analysis of the results obtained/learnings realized in an appropriate conceptual framework derived from the situation analysis.  
MC additional:
- Emphasize results related to strategy, organizational structure, business processes, human resources, technology… as appropriate depending on the mission.  
- Gaps concerning the result (i.e., divergences from your initial plans, if any) that appeared during the project? Explain.
5. Chapter 5 – Observation , recommendations, conclusions
A. Recommendations (2-5 pages)  (MC)
- What do you advise to the company/organization? Be specific on your recommendations by supporting them with data (qualitative and/or quantitative) and linking them to strategy, organizational structure, business processes, human resources, technology… as appropriate depending on the mission.
- Point out the innovative aspects included in your recommendation
- Timetable and action plan for your recommendations. Implementation issues – what should the company keep in mind for successful implementation? What will happen after the project? What should the company pay particular attention to?  
B. Observations (2-5 pages) ( OC)
- Depending on the various aspects of the company/organization that you have become acquainted with, try to make some recommendations/observations related to improvements or changes that you think would be beneficial for the company as a whole. Support them with some data (qualitative and/or quantitative).
- Implementation issues – what should the company keep in mind for successful implementation of these recommendations? 
C. Conclusion (3-4 pages) -  
Brief overview of results and recommendations. Link to your methodology – how do you assess the methodology/ies applied, strong points, things to improve? - Main learnings and other "strong" aspects that the internship provided. What you have learnt and what you would like to develop more in your professional future.
- Perspective making with respect to the situation analysis (conceptual framework, best practices, models…).


1. Appendix
Title of Appendix- Beware to join only material that you referred to in the report!
2. Bibliography
- Include references to books, articles, reports referred to in the report using APA or MLA format.

Text Format for report
The body of the report and the abstract must be 1.5-spaced. Do not double-space footnotes, bibliographies, and tables (follow format prescribed by an authority). Long quotations should be single-spaced and indented at both margins. With this arrangement double quotation marks are not used, except in a series of quotation from different writers or to set off a quotation within a quotation.
The size and type face must be consistent throughout the thesis. Type size cannot be larger than 12 points. The type size can be 10 points in tables even though another type face is used in the main body of the report.
Using 8½ x 11 inch paper, a margin of at least one inch (1") deep must be provided for the upper (top), lower (bottom), and right-hand sides and a margin of one and one-half inches (1½") must be allowed for the left-hand side.

1043 Words  3 Pages
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