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Software Purpose

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

    Write a 750 to 1000 word analysis paper that presents a two-part proposal for the appropriate software components to support a business process (NOTE: description of process to be provided by the course professor)

    Part one assumes the use of client/server technology

    Part two assumes Web-based technology

In addition

    Create an annotated diagram of the software components involved in an appropriate IS architectural solution using a Client / Server approach to automate a specific business process (NOTE: description of process to be provided by the course professor) based on using client/server technologies.

    Identify each essential software component involved in the Client / Server solution to automating the given business process

    Annotate each component as to a unique, useful identifier, and a useful description of the role / purpose fulfilled in the system.


    Create another annotated diagram of the software components involved in an appropriate IS architectural solution to automate a specific business process (Note: description of process to be provided by the course professor) using Web-based technologies.

    Identify each software component involved in the Web-based solution to automating the given business process

    Annotate each component as to a unique, useful identifier, and a useful description of the role / purpose fulfilled in the system.

214 Words  1 Pages
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