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With respect to the development process in England, you are required to identify the factors and organisations that affect housing development in a borough of your choosing and discuss how they work together to produce housing; your discussion should incl

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

With respect to the development process in England, you are required to identify the factors and organisations that affect housing development in a borough of your choosing and discuss how they work together to produce housing; your discussion should include positive and negative issues as well as considering how far what is produced meets the needs or demands of the people who will live in the homes. You should include local examples to illustrate your arguments. 

The paper should be typed or word-processed; all work not originally written by the student must be clearly referenced, using the Harvard system.

* London Plan Strategy issues on housing
* focus on
planning policies,
housing policies local council 
the housing  issues on the borough i choose 
what is the problem about the borough
what happen to the borough
identify the factors development of that housing.
who they are and what's there role 
local borough housing strategies
identify the need of housing in the borough of my choice 
what the local authority think is the problem and how they solve it
use the borough strategies to four years, whether it as happen or has not happen
how does it work in principle
how does it work in practice


216 Words  1 Pages
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