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Building Communities with Technology

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer: 

The focus on continually reflecting on practice is needed for teachers to grow in a field that is ever changing. While the integration of technology into the individual classroom is a goal for the teacher, keep in mind that the administrator, with the help of the individual teachers, has the community goal in mind. While evaluating the implementation gives the individual the opportunity to see changes within his or her own classroom, it is the collegial and school-wide piece that helps build a community that grows and changes as needed.

Imagine that you have a teacher, or group of teachers, who may be reluctant to incorporate technology into the curriculum.

For this assignment, you will write a 3-5 page paper that discusses how, as the school leader, you can work with other members of the community to engage and support teachers as they work through the idea of using and integrating technology into the curriculum. Develop a plan or some options showing how you might help these individuals engage in an understanding on technology and its use in the curriculum

189 Words  1 Pages
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