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Bullying and cyberbullying

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

This task requires an analysis of a topic focused on the protection and support of young people at risk and the analysis of an organization which might support teachers and students with resources and strategies for minimizing such risk. Focus topics are provided below. This analysis will include:

A discussion of the rationales for inclusive education in policy and legislation 

A discussion of the main elements of the focus topic, associated risks, and impact on student learning

A discussion of the chosen community agency or group and the resources and strategies provided that

Can assist teachers to minimize risk and provide pastoral support (LO5)
Students are not required to visit the chosen agency or group but may like to call for detailed information. The paper must include references to inclusive education in the Australian curriculum and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. The analysis must be supported by a variety of peer reviewed academic literature from the unit site and the required text.
Students will choose from the following focus topics:

Bullying and cyberbullying

Literacy should be that required from a future teacher.  

Understanding of the rationales for inclusive education in policy and legislation
Outstanding clarity and insightful demonstration of knowledge about the historical, political, and curricular rationales for inclusive education. Insightful and highly accurate connections to recent, relevant academic literature, legislation, policies and APST.

Discussion of the focus topic, associated risks, and impact on student learning (LO5)
Exceptionally discerning discussion of the focus topic, associated risks, and impact on student learning. Exceptional ability to apply knowledge of student wellbeing and safety supported by insightfully chosen pedagogical examples to illustrate.

Discussion of chosen agency or community group, resources and strategies offered to minimize risk and provide support.
Exceptionally discerning discussion of chosen agency or community group, resources and strategies offered to minimize risk and provide support, supported by insightfully chosen examples to illustrate.

Writing and referencing conventions.
Extremely well structured and succinct with excellent use of grammar, spelling, and APA referencing conventions.

Structure will be in attached document

349 Words  1 Pages
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