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Apply Knowledge of Special Education

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

For this assignment, write a paper in which you apply you knowledge of special education law, including the six pillars of IDEA to analyze the decisions made by the courts concerning one of these topics:

Educational Benefit
Methodology Issues
Least Restrictive Environment
Measurable Goals
Zero Reject
An appropriate topic of your choice
Your paper should include the following:

An introductory discussion/explanation of your topic.
A summary of court cases that have addressed your topic, along with the outcome
Procedural due process issues that may be involved with your topic. For example, suppose you select least restrictive environment as your topic. What due process issues might arise related to a situation involving LRE?
Generate proactive solutions that could present these due process problems.
A short summary.
pages not including title and reference pages.
References: Minimum of 5 scholarly resource

147 Words  1 Pages
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