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Social injustice and cultural identifiers

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Use a minimum of three scholarly journals articles the last 3 years. Describe the culture identifiers discussed in the article, summarized the historical background of the cultural identifiers and associated controversial topic in k-12 education, identifiers 2-3 argument presented for and 2-3 arguments against the issue, discusses associated injustices arising from the issues, including how teachers and students are affected by the cultural identifiers and associated controversial topic, examples solution you recommend implementing to remedy the associated injustices and why you selected them. Concludes by identifying where you fall on the cultural competence continuum in relation to the issue , including your commitment to understanding other frames of references like culture, gender, language, abilities in order to reduce personal biases and improve relationships with colleagues, students, and student families.

137 Words  1 Pages
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