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Imagine you are a young soldier sent to fight on the Western Front during World War I

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Directions: Imagine you are a young soldier sent to fight on the Western Front during World War I Describe your experiences in the trenches in a letter to your parents or a loved one. You should include a minimum of 10 slang words in your letter. You must write your letter as if you fought at one of the battles provided to you in the major battles of the war addendum Make sure to sign and date your letter so it makes sense- an American would not fight in the War prior to 1917. You can choose a different name; just make sure you sign the back of your letter with your real name. Your letter must be at least 350 words minimum. You can choose to be any type of soldier, just make it clear what your nationality is. Topics to Consider Mentioning in Your Letter -Condition of the Trench -New Weapons/Technologies -The Food Situation -Health of the Soldiers -What you do in your spare time -Reaction to the war so far Vocabulary that may be useful- you could look up meanings in a dictionary if you need to: Awful, Barbarous, Gruesome, Horrendous, Horrific, Terrible, Onslaught, Stench, Petrified, Disease, Blighty, Squalid, Hunger, Decaying, Boredom, Hopeless, Stale, Torture. Phrases that you could adapt for your own use: “I will never forget these terrible conditions” “It was so horrible, I can hardly bring myself to write about it...” “So many innocent lives have been lost” “I am so lucky to have survived so far- I will never forget those who died fighting alongside of me” “The trench is horrible, but it gives us somewhere to rest”

285 Words  1 Pages
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