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green technology

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Essay Topic: Huesemann and Huesemann argue for a complex set of conditions needed to make technology environmentally responsible, identify a current “green technology and see if it stands up to Huesemanns’ critique ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I basically chose Energy Star appliances as my green technology. Here is what they think: Techno-Fix is the novel written by the Huesemanns, which talks about the negative unintended consequences of technology that are unavoidable. It questions the main idea of today’s society, that advanced technology will free us from social and economic ruin. Huesemann and Huesemann show that most technological based solutions to technology-created problems are ineffective. They explore the reasons for the non critical acceptance of new technologies, and show who really controls the direction of change in technology. It is a very powerful critique, and they believe that the time has come to make science and technology more socially and environmentally responsible.

157 Words  1 Pages
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