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Compare and Contrast the Theories of Piaget and Dewey that inform an understanding of young children and their development

Module 1 Theories Assignment
:1.a: Knowing and understanding young children’s characteristics and needs, from birth through age 8.
Select two early childhood learning or development theories that are of most interest to you. (See below for help with finding articles.) Locate and read (from outside sources) one article about each theory you selected. Make sure you find articles that are research about using the theories and their uses, not descriptions of the theories.  Excerpts/lectures that paraphrases or rephrases the theories do not qualify.
Write a paper (minimum 4 pages in length) that covers the following:
1. A summary of the content of each article
2. A comparison and contrast (similarities and differences) of the two theories
3. Your thoughts on the two theories, including what you have seen or experienced with children, agree and disagree with concerning the theoretical ideas.
Remember to use Microsoft Word or RTF Format, 12 point type, Times New Roman or Arial font.
Be sure to use correct APA style (especially in citing the articles). See the link below for assistance with using APA style.
You may also use the Eric search site:
The most difficult thing about the theory paper is doing the research.
  Thinking about what you are looking for . . .the act of looking, and then deciding what you want to use in the myriad of information is a very important part of research.  It is personal, challenging and an important part of becoming informed.
Oh, yeah, . . . and frustrating too at times.
But it gets easier the more you do it.  I would love to give you all the information you need and the articles, but then you still wouldn't know how to find what you need for yourself.  I would rather not give you a fish . . but teach you to fish for yourselves.

306 Words  1 Pages
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