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Women and Genital Anatomy

Topic and Questions We Can Help You To Answer
Paper Instructions:

  1.       Women and Genital Anatomy.  Although anatomy would seem (write three references on this coursework)

    to be a straightforward matter of describing what can be observed in the body, anatomy – including genital anatomy – is a dynamic field.  Today experts debate about what labels to apply and how to understand the function of sexual organs in women.  Look up these terms: clitoris, G spot, vagina, female ejaculation, female genitals.  Choose one of the terms, then discuss: A. What controversies surround your topic?  B. Is your subject more often defined in terms of health or illness?  C. Is your topic a factor in female sexual pleasure?  Is pleasure addressed in the articles you found?  D. Did you learn anything you did not know about this aspect of female genital anatomy?  E.  What research questions remain for anatomists to address about your topic?


    2.  Female Genital Mutilation.  Health professionals and many(write three references on this coursework)

    women’s rights advocates would like to see an end to female genital mutilation (FGM).  There are some who believe that, because the practice is woven deeply into a culture’s beliefs and practices, change can only be initiated where the practice occurs by local women, not by outsiders.  Find research on female genital mutilation (FGM).  Based on your findings discuss:  A. Consider FGM from the perspective of the people who practice it.  Using the example of a single cultural setting, describe the specific reasons why women practice FGM. (What do women themselves say about it?  Why do they say they do it?)  B.  List three potentially negative health effects of the practice.  C.  Do you think international health officials should leave the eradication effort to local people or intervene energetically to put an end to FGM?  Explain your answer.

    3.      Menopause and Women’s Health in the Second Half of Life.(write three references on this coursework)

    Read articles on hormone replacement therapy (HRT).  Based on your findings discuss:  A. Do the articles suggest HRT improves or may threaten health factors such as high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis, or breast cancer.  B. Do you think there is convincing evidence about the safety, benefits and harms of HRT?  What questions remain?  C. What do you think of the advertising campaigns for HRT by drug companies (often using glamorous and well-know women)?  Do you think the ads improve or diminish women’s ability to make informed decisions about HRT?

    4.  Aphrodisiacs and Sexual Stimulants. An aphrodisiac is a substance thought to increase sexual desire or capacity.(write three references on this coursework)
      Explore examples of aphrodisiacs or sexual stimulants, then answer:  A. Is there an aphrodisiac used commonly in your community or among your friends or family?  If so, what is it?  B. What is the most commonly used aphrodisiac in the United States?  C. Look up one commonly used aphrodisiac in another society (China, Brazil, etc.).  D. Name two foods thought to be sexual stimulants.  For each of these consider whether there is evidence that the product is safe and has a positive effect on the quality of sex.
522 Words  1 Pages
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