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Explain what you were aware of already and what new information you have gathered that will be helpful in getting the best out of your undergraduate degree.

Topic and Questions We Can Help You To Answer
Paper Instructions:

a) Explain what you were aware of already and what new information you have gathered that will be helpful in getting the best out of your undergraduate degree.

(b) Explain in detail what you have learned about effective study strategies leading to successful completion of your degree.

Important Points

1. You may add other sources of information in addition to your textbook to gain better insight. 

2. Your response should be at least 4 double spaced pages excluding the title page, abstract page and reference pages from the page limit.

3.  Cite all the sources of information in the paper and give complete references for the cited sources.

4. Format your paper in APA writing style incorporating the maximum number of APA format elements

5. Add additional page/s after the references as an Appendix to explain which of the APA format paper elements you have incorporated in your paper. You may list them with some explanation, e.g., running head - In the header, on first page it appears Running head: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TITLE flushed to the left margin and page number flushed to the right margin. On the subsequent pages, the words Running head don't appear. 

209 Words  1 Pages
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