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Group Facilitation and Group Counselling

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper Instructions:

Question 1
Soon Hui is a new counsellor being hired by an agency which specialises in group counselling treatment. Soon Hui aspires to become a good group facilitator. It is for that reason that she chose to join this agency and also took up related studies in SUSS to increase her knowledge in group facilitation. 

After her probation is confirmed, Soon Hui was tasked to run a group programme for a cohort of helping professionals as the first assignment. Soon Hui begins to feel apprehensive and was experiencing high anxiety as the dates draw nearer. She is concerned that she will not measure up to the expectations of this group of professionals which consist of psychologists, counsellors and social workers. Soon Hui understands that all of them have rich experiences in their respective fields, and they are attending this group not only to address their burnout issues, but to also learn what it is like to be in group therapy. She has about a month before the session starts, and she was tasked to start a psycho-education group.

Describe how Soon Hui can prepare herself for the group sessions in the remaining one month. In your answer, clearly outline some of the approaches that she has undertaken to increase her confidence and knowledge to handle this group of professionals. 

                                                                                                                        (50 marks)                                                                                                                 

Question 2

(a) Your agency has a group that was running midway through. It is a group programme that caters to a group of financial workers who have problems coping with the long hours of shift-work, and are beginning to exhibit more conflicts among colleagues. Your colleague was the main facilitator and the group is still in the transition stage. However, due to unforeseen circumstances your colleague had a complication in pregnancy and is going on urgent medical leave. You have been tasked by your supervisor to take over the group. As the group still has half the sessions to go, you need to continue where your colleague has left off, and to move the group on to the next stage. You were reminded that there are clinical goals for the group that have to be met. 

Describe how you would take over the group. Elaborate what are some of the preparations that you would to do before you start your sessions with this group. In your answer, provide a plan on how you would bring the group forward to the next stage.

(30 marks)

(b) As the group comes to an end, describe how you would know you have succeeded in replacing your colleague, and that you did not let the group down. Support your answer with concrete and objective indicators.                                (20 marks

456 Words  1 Pages
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