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What is in the BEST INTEREST of the child?

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Paper Instructions:

Essay (child custody)

What is in the BEST INTEREST of the child?  You have been asked by a family court judge to evaluate the mother and father of two boys and one girl who are going through a vicious divorce and custody battle plus a potential foster couple and offer expert recommendations  for the judge to consider who gets custody (and type of custody) of these children.  The mother works at an exotic dance club and has a history of drug abuse.  The father suffers from PTSD and is an alcoholic.  The boys are 12 and 14 years old and the daughter is 10 years old.  The family is Catholic and Hispanic.  The foster parents have a history of taking in foster children and are Black & Muslim.  How would you go about determining the fitness of each parent (including foster parents)?  What assessment tools would you use (parents and children) and what scales would you be focusing on?  How would you conduct your interviews?  Feel free to be creative.

181 Words  1 Pages
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