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The Sense of Place

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Develop a primary post (approx. 150 words) that responds to the following prompt by Thursday, 11:59pm. I encourage you to post earlier in the week to get our discussion going!

Choose a specific passage from Wallace Stegner’s “The Sense of Place” OR Brent Staples’ “Night Walker” to summarize, quote from, analyze, and inquire into. This can be any passage that “spoke” to you: it interested you, confused you, shocked you, angered you, etc. Summarize the passage and the author’s point of view and select a part of it to quote (remember your quote cupcake!). Analyze the passage by close reading the author’s tone, word choice, and meaning. Conclude your summary and analysis with a specific, open-ended question for the group about the passage, how it connects to another idea in the essay, or what it tells us about the importance of place. The goal is to get the group to dig deeper into the essay and the concept of place.

171 Words  1 Pages
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