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How does divorce influence children's social development? (In regards to school and self esteem)

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Paper Instructions:

How does divorce influence children's social development? (In regards to school and self esteem)

A proposal is a written document that is prepared in an attempt to persuade the prospect to adopt the proposal's solution to a problem or need. The research proposal is the document that establishes that there is a niche for your chosen area of study and that the research design is feasible. Proposals are integral to grant funding in the social sciences. 
The proposal paper will include a one-page introduction, a literature review, one or more hypotheses that follow from the literature you reviewed, and a proposed research design with a discussion section. No results section is needed.
You will write a 10 page typewritten mock research paper describing a proposed empirical study of an within the psychological field. This will be a simulated research project in which you will pose a problem and methods for a study, but you will not actually collect data. You will review the relevant research literature on the topic, describe why the issue is important, and design a study to answer the question. 
The project should be organized around the following sections, following the standard APA format for psychology journal articles:

•    Abstract 
o    Include a summary of your paper in 150–250 words. It should describe the research problem, methods, results and conclusions of your research.

•    Introduction and literature review
o    Include a literature review and then give an overview of your proposed study and your hypotheses. Include theoretical and empirical background. Use original sources. Specifically address: What is the issue you are considering? Define it. Why is it important? What does the literature show that we already know about the problem and what do we still need to learn? What is your approach to the problem? Discuss your interpretation of theory and research and what further study is needed. What hypotheses about the issue will you propose to test in your study? This should be the bulk of your paper (approximately 6 pages). 

•    Method
o    How do you intend to find out? What are the variables you are interested in exploring? Give the nuts and bolts of the proposed study. Describe in detail your subjects, procedures, and specific measures you will use. Use subheadings for each section (participants, measures, procedure).
o    For example, if you are measuring depression you need to discuss the exact scale or inventory you will use to measure this construct. Where possible and relevant to your study, use existing measures with some known reliability and validity. (approximately 2 pages)

•    Discussion
o    What might your results be if you really carried out the study? What conclusions would you draw if they came out as you expected, or differently? Are there any broader implications or needs for further study? What are the limitations of your design? (approximately 1-2 pages)

Requirements and Guidelines 

You are expected to research the empirical literature related to your topic. It will be important to incorporate several (AT LEAST 15) references from the psychological literature in your paper. I am not just interested in your subjective views. Instead, I want you to demonstrate that you can support your conclusions and analyses with objective data (i.e., empirical research studies) and reasoned theory. Use databases online such as Academic Search Complete, PsychInfo and PsychArticles to search the research literature and consult up-to-date reputable peer-reviewed research journals and publications. Try to focus on articles dated 2015 and beyond. 
a)    For our purposes, websites do not count as one of your 15 required references. If you are using them in addition to the required sources, be sure to cite properly. 
3. Use APA style to note references and in text citations, which means referring to publications in your paper by author and year of publication and listing publications under REFERENCES at the end of your paper. Use APA 6th edition.


677 Words  2 Pages
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