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Whether you have wanted to be a teacher your entire life or you have just recently discovered your passion for teaching young children, you are here for a reason. Why did you choose to teach young children? Many early childhood professionals see their wor

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Whether you have wanted to be a teacher your entire life or you have just recently discovered your passion for teaching young children, you are here for a reason. Why did you choose to teach young children? Many early childhood professionals see their work as a vocation, a personal mission, or a calling.

Develop a professional mission paper articulating your role in the lives of young children. In 3-4 APA-style pages, address the following:

Why do you work (or want to work) with young children?
What characteristics should an early childhood professional embody? Explain.
How do you strive to be an early childhood professional?
What is your goal or mission as you work with young children?
How do/will you advocate for children in this role?
How does your goal or mission align with your spiritual faith or life values?
Save this as a “living” document. Revisit it from time to time as a reaffirmation of your mission as an early childhood professional.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

193 Words  1 Pages
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