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TCP/IP, IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing, and Basic IP Packet Structures

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Examines the TCP and OSI models.

[Explains the corresponding layers of the OSI and TCP models and the various functions at each layer.]

Examines the IPv4 address and subnet mask.

[Describes the IPv4 address and maximum amount of IPs available with this addressing scheme. Identifies the subnet mask and its purpose in the IPv4 address.]

Examines the IPv6 address and prefix.

[Describes the IPv6 address and the maximum amount of IPs available with this addressing scheme. Identifies the prefix for the IPv6 address its purpose]

Identifies IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and their cohabitation.

[Identifies at least two methods to allow IPv4 addresses to coexist.]

Examines the IPv4 and IPv6 headers.

[Compares and contrasts the various fields in the IPv4 and IPv6 headers.]

137 Words  1 Pages
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