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How CTC and traditional colonoscopy are performed

How CTC and traditional colonoscopy are performed

In CT colonoscopy, helical CT or MRI is used for the purpose of imaging. It usually consists of preparing the patients, distension of the colon, a multi detector scanning and an interpretation that uses a CTC software that gives 3D images. The preparation and examination on the patient done using various ways and protocols. The most important part is a one day preparation of colon. The traditional colonoscopy utilises a wet preparation of high volume such as polyethylene glycol while CTC uses a drier preparation that leaves the colon with less fluid to allow a better view of colon wall. CTC also involves distension of the whole colon, which is done with an automated Carbon dioxide insufflator by way of inserting a small catheter tipped with balloon. A technique of a thin collimation is employed on the scanner with a little dose of radiation. Image is acquired on holding ones breath to limit effects of pressure arising from inflated lungs (Patel & Chang, 2016, p.3).


Image analysis

The effectiveness of image analysis in CT colonoscopy depends on the experience and the training of the user of the data. An image analysis on primary 3D is comparable to an analysis on primary 2D in terms of detecting the lesions when the analysis is done by an inexperienced reader. As per studies done, detection of tiny lesions was low for all the readers in spite of the advanced equipment used. This is more so where bowel cleansing and distension are not properly done. Moreover a complete analysis in 3D and 2D consumes a lot of time and right feed-back has to be double checked by aid of experienced radiologists or feedback obtained from traditional colonoscopy or surgery. However, with advanced modern software and medical systems being used by experienced medics, image analysis can be done within 10 minutes time (Fisichella, 2009 p.78)

319 Words  1 Pages
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