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Simulation modeling software applications

Simulation modeling software applications

            Simulation software is a system to conduct an operation where the user uses simulation. The modeling process makes a real phenomenon and improves process.  Example of simulation modeling software applications includes AnyLogic and NEi Nastran (El & Abu-Taieh, 2008).  AnyLogic as a multimethod modeling potentials and it is very potent and well-designed.  This simulation software can customize with Java and it represents dynamic modeling, motion modeling, and graphic modeling and so on.  The simulation modeling helps in problem solving and offers a real system.   Nei Nastran software is very useful and well known for CAE innovation.  It provides Nastran Finite Element Analysis (FEA)   for thermal and structural analysis such as advanced analysis, heat transfer and so on (El & Abu-Taieh, 2008).  Nei Nastran is very important as engineer can use it in modeling cohesive materials, evaluating creep strain and rubber fatigue among other uses. When comparing these two applications in terms of cost, AnyLogic has a cost of $6,199.00 while Nei Nastran has $2,000.00 (El & Abu-Taieh, 2008). In terms of features, AnyLogic has System Dynamics, Agent Based, Java models and Discrete Event. Nei Nastran features in Advanced Dynamics, Linear Statics, Nonlinear Analysis, Normal Modes and Nonlinear Transient (El & Abu-Taieh, 2008). AnyLogic offers training in Documentation, Discrete Event, System Dynamics, In Person and Webinars.  The training courses provide learners with modeling techniques and approaches in specific problems.  AnyLogic offer customized courses in any location at any time. Nei Nastrtan offers training in FEA software, Shock and Vibration, Nei explicit, Fatigue Analysis Nonlinear Analysis, Composite Analysis among other training classes (El & Abu-Taieh, 2008).  Students are provided with effective knowledge to apply in engineering problems, process analysis and gain experience and confidence.  Nie Software also offers distance learning and students are provided with new skills.


















El, S. A. A. R., Al, A. A., & Abu-Taieh, E. M. O. (2008). Simulation and modeling: Current technologies and

applications. Hershey: IGI Pub.

328 Words  1 Pages
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