- Introduction and Summery For Document Electeeselecme
- Why select such a project (Any logical reasons will be OK, such as because e-commerce is popular and important, but try to describe them in a professional way)
- I ought to select the project because e-commerce is important in the business world. E-commerce is playing a significant role in where the buying decision is not reading automated. Internet offers the customers a global access.
- The benefits of this project (try to involve benefits of e-commerce)
- To establish presence due to internet popularity, there is the need to be a part of the community in order to express interest. Computer networking offers a wide range of accessibility. This will help businesses be up to date with the company and its trends. Benefits in serving the customer; the user stays in touch with customers and answers any queries they have. It simplifies on research on the customer wants and needs. Use of a website heightens the appeal of the public, due to easy access of a firm content; the world attracted by its accessibility and efficiency.
- Advantages
- The advantages of the system entail reaching out to people and serving others. When a company has a website, many people will learn about it and understand their products. It makes the organizations company recognized all over.
- Disadvantages
- The disadvantages are quick change in software tools; due to the evolving of new software; an organization needs to improve its web, which may prove to be quite expensive over a period. Difficulties may arise in integrating the internet with new e-commerce software. This will require web servers that may be unfamiliar to get in an organization. While installing and running different software, specialized skills prove to be hard, as organizations outsource software designers.
- What are important to such a project?
- The important factors to such a project are a learning guidance concerning technologies and enterprise resource planning system that automates and integrates business practices. In order to make a right interface, create a website design that relates a liaison with other similar organizations that have a common purpose.
- What are important for website interface and how to make a perfect interface
- A website Interface is an extension of a management system that simplifies access for construction and maintenance of a website. It integrates most of the website traffic making its contents manageable and easy to understand. E-commerce refers to a system whereby buying and selling is over an electronic system. It is over computer-mediated networks. Creating a website interface is for any kind and operating.
- Describe that different websites need different interface styles, just like we dress differently in different occasion, what kind of interface and function should an e-commerce website which sells electronic products have?
- Different websites need different interface type since, this distinguished between small and medium enterprises and large organizations. In SME’S, the relevant information is in common language. In large organizations, this information is in stages. The monitoring agency provides relevant information that is semi-structured, passes through different heads, and then combined to derive conclusions.
- Animation or flash sometimes help well for a website, why they help well and what are the benefits? Then give an example to support the description.
- Animations help the web user to understand the various software functions that appear in the website. The animations help the web user because they are they are flexible and created in such a way that the user will get a clear understanding of the software employed in the website. For example, CBTs assist in offering those with visual difficulties a clear understanding. Animations play a significant role in a website, on visiting the site, leaves one with the idea of professionalism at the back of the mind. It shows advancement in technology as it is a skilled work of art.
- What are important to a website, an e-commerce website?
- E-commerce Website selling electronics should have; a customer relationship management system that helps secure transact directly with the customer and a supply chain management system that integrates the supplier and customer.
- What experience can be gained in this project?
- A customer buying a movie can purchase at a convenient time and place.
- Advantages
- The benefit of the site is there are movies to choose.
- Disadvantages
- It is quite expensive; requirement of accessibility to the internet. In the future, they need to improve on the animation as it attracts more customers.
- Benefits of this website;
- While using this website, it is easy to understand the information that certain software is offering.
- What should be improved?
- The website ought to offer various features that will help the less advantaged to access and use it. For example, those people who are visually disadvantaged.
- What can be done in the future?
- Incorporated in both, rural and urban areas
- Departments in organizations should have their own site.
- More specialized software and dealers.
- Develop more basic concept for the website
- Introduce various instruction about how to use the website
- Conclusion
- Designed website relates with e-commerce as it facilitates the coordination of an organization. This website is useful as it details the contents of its creator. E-commerce in an organization is crucial as it facilitates the management reaching out to the people
- Bibliography
- McConnell, S., 2004. Code Complete, 2nd edition. California: Microsoft Press.
873 Words 3 Pages