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Paper Instructions:

Project Deliverables
Note: All Phases and sections MUST be covered.
The project requires students to perform three phases: (a) requirements analysis, (b) system and database design, and (c) a project plan. Note that in the phase 3, students are required to use the MS Project software for their project schedule.
The deadline for the Individual Project can be found in the schedule section of the class syllabus.
The following layout format covering a title page and all three phases is recommended for the project.
Title page (project name, author, and date)

Phase 1: Requirement analysis
A. Problem definition
B. Issues
C. Objectives
D. Requirements
E. Constraints
F. Description of the proposed system
G. Logical model design
1.    Data flow diagrams
•    Context diagram
•    Diagram 0
o    Diagram 1 (Diagram 1 is optional)
•    Descriptions of processes in each diagram
2.    Descriptions of outputs/inputs/performance/security or controls
H. Specific requirements, if any (interface, operational, resource, performance, etc.)

Phase 2: System and database design
A. User interface
Design an overall user interface consisting of screens, commands, controls, and features to enable users to use the system.
1.    How data will be input to the system?
•    The physical layout for each input
•    The input design and procedures
2.    How data will be output from the system?
•    The physical layout for each output
•    The output design and procedures
B. Data design
Develop a plan for data organization, storage, updating, and retrieval.
1.    Database design 
•    Database tables with their attributes should be presented
•    Primary key(s) should be identified in each table, if any
•    Three steps of normalization should be included.
2.    Entity-relationship diagrams
3.    Data file storage and access
C. System architecture
Determine the architecture of the system as Web-based interface, client/server architecture, Internet/Intranet interface, network configuration, etc.

Phase 3: Project plan
A list of tasks or activities needed for implementing the proposed system
Estimating completion time and costs
A project schedule for performing those activities (Gantt charts or PERT charts)
Note that there is no other required software package except the MS Project software in this ITEC-630 course. As a result, you are only required to use the MS Project software to handle the scheduling part of the project and for other parts, you can use any word editing software or any drawing tools software.

400 Words  1 Pages
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