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You must first pick a topic -- a relationship -- that you wish to examine using statistical analysis. You choose your own topic, which may span from comparing international economies and markets (IBM students), looking at the national development, global

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Paper Instructions:

You must first pick a topic -- a relationship -- that you wish to examine using statistical analysis. You choose your own topic, which may span from comparing international economies and markets (IBM students), looking at the national development, global and local industries, or even individual firms. Please discuss your topic with your seminar tutor--they can help to refine your ideas and/or match your ideas to publicly available data.

You will then need to collect some data which allows you to analysis your relationship. You must construct a dataset with at least 50 observations (so as to obtain meaningful results). The data you use must be publicly available. You might get data from sources such as the Office for National Statistics (the UK), an international body such as the UN or the World Bank, industry or firm level from FAME or from countless other sources.

You must then write a report of 2,000 words or fewer which presents your statistical analysis of your topic and, crucially, carefully interprets your results. Include your dataset in a table as an appendix. This appendix does not count towards the word limit.

200 Words  1 Pages
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