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The coursework exercise for Engineering Mathematics 1 involves exploring the effects of air resistance on the energy used by a motor vehicle. You will also gain proficiency in using a widely used piece of engineering software called Matlab

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Paper Instructions:

Your task will be to use Matlab® (or the similar open-source freeware Octave) to investigate and report on the energy used to overcome aerodynamic drag in the course of a 100 km journey by 3 different vehicles of your choice, travelling at a variety of speeds, and estimate how much impact this has on the amount of fuel (or electrical energy, in the case of electric cars) used in the journey. You are not expected to experimentally determine aerodynamic drag coefficients or calculate front cross-sectional areas of vehicles yourself. You can reference online information that you find (although it should be as reputable as possible). Report length limit: 2000 words (including appendices) Be sure to include: • A clear desсrіption of the methodology used to investigate the energy required to overcome aerodynamic resistance • Explanations and justifications of any assumptions that are made • Matlab (or Octave) code used to produce the results • Relevant graphs generated using either

170 Words  1 Pages
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