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Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Create a correctable code for a list of key words.  Your task is to create an efficient, correctable code for a list that contains 20 key words.  The words in your code will be represented as binary strings using only 0’s and 1’s.  Stringent correctability requirements mean your code must have a minimum distance of 3.
- Read Section 5.2 (pages 150-152) and understand the definitions for bit, binary word, code, codewords, Hamming distance, and minimum distance of a code.
- Create a code consisting of binary codewords.
- The code must meet three requirements
  -- Contain at least 20 codewords
  -- Have a minimum distance of 3 (explain why a min distance of 4 is no better than 3)
  -- Maintain efficiency by using the fewest number of bits per codeword as possible
- Clearly document and describe your code: what it is, why you chose it, etc.
- Discuss how topology relates to the selection of your code and the Hamming metric

176 Words  1 Pages
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