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Some studies say that up to 93% of our communication is nonverbal. For this course's Informative Speech, I would like you to give a short speech (2-4 minutes) discussing an article relating to nonverbal communication.

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Paper Instructions:

Some studies say that up to 93% of our communication is nonverbal. For this course's Informative Speech, I would like you to give a short speech (2-4 minutes) discussing an article relating to nonverbal communication. Pick an area of nonverbal communication and share some research. There is a lot of research out there on random topics, so you can find some really interesting stuff!

I recommend picking a sense (e.g., smell, touch, hearing, taste, etc.) or a section of the chapter (e.g., territory, proxemics, lying), and then picking an area of interest (e.g., connection, love, dogs, children, illness, etc.), and then seeing what you come up with. There is so much random stuff out there! For example, you can find a lot of interesting articles if you type in "old people" with "smell," "love" with "touch," or "hearing" with "illness." Be creative with your key words and ideas!

167 Words  1 Pages
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