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Media Release: Stationery Reuse

  • Media Release: Stationery Reuse
  • For immediate release:
  • Call for voluntary services for the love of environment: Bobby Qiu, the student coordinator reveals about Stationery Reuse Centre.
  •             Stationer Reuse Centre is a student facility that benefits from business and organizations through getting stationeries. The facility’s coordinator, Bobby says, “Businesses are very environmentally conscious and they do not want to contribute more to landfill”. Therefore, according to Bobby, offering stationeries acts as a good way of recycling. This helps the students who are not socially economic well off to benefit. Moreover, students are able to save the little money they have after receiving the free stationeries.
  •             Bobby states that Stationer Reuse Centre was stated about five years ago and therefore it is a new facility. He states that the he has not been the coordinator for a long time but according to him, the operations of the facility are excellent. He explains that his main role as the coordinator is to notify companies and businesses that the facility exists where they can drop off various stationeries that they do not need anymore. Most of the places that Bobby moves around making the notifications include the city and other places in North Sydney and even around UNSW like the chancellery and the library.
  •             According to Bobby, the facility plays a significant role in helping to maintain the environment clean because of reducing landfills. Moreover, when students get free stationeries from the facility, Bobby explains that they eventually buy less from other companies. This leads the companies to produce less waste materials that come about during the production process.
  •             The main goal of Bobby as the facility’s coordinator is to assist in providing free stationery as much as he can in order to help in making the environment safe. He states that this will be an advantage to students, companies and everyone. Bobby says that everyone interested may pay the facility a visit in order to benefit from its services.
  • For more information, contact Bobby on:
  • Mobile-
  • Email-
332 Words  1 Pages
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