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Delivering Bad News

Delivering Bad News

Delivering bad news can be tough especially when the managers have to break the news to the junior employees. It is hard for managers to deliver bad news to employees who always have high hopes that their projects will be accepted. Taking the case of Mark Costa, one realizes that delivering bad news is hard since it disappoints parties involved. The group of IT experts had spent most of their time coming up with three software options that would be best used to monitor the activities of employees in the company who work online. The team analyzed the three software options and concluded that the third software was the best for the company. The team used cost and benefit as their main means of analysis and concluded that the most expensive was the best software. The management team reviewed the groups work and concluded that the recommended software was expensive thus they turned down the offer and opted on using cheaper software which the IT team had not recommended.

The groups felt disappointed since they had used most of their time coming up with the best software. However, the manager ensured that the IT team understood that the company had no finances to purchase the most expensive software. The manager while delivering bad news needs to have prepared the conversation before talking to the employees (Gallo, 2015). The manager has to ensure he is confident giving employees the news and answering all the questions they have to ask. In this case, the manager ensured that the IT team experts understood that the management team did not have enough resources to purchase the best software. The manager ensured the team understood the management team and took their decision well since they too understood they would have one a similar thing. Delivering bad news becomes effective when employees take the decisions in the right way even if they may feel a little bit disappointed.


Gallo.A (2015) How to Deliver Bad News to Your Employees. Retrieved from   

341 Words  1 Pages
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