Questions We Can Help You To Answer
Paper instructions:
Write an essay about a job or work experience that taught you something significant about the world of work, particularly
--the challenge of doing difficult and/or tedious labor,
--the challenges or indignities of dealing with other people (customers, co-workers, or bosses)
--the challenges of working long hours for insufficient pay.
--the difficulties or impossibility of advancement in that particular job or company
--the likelihood or unlikelihood that you could work this job indefinitely, or as a career
--the way in which you see this job reflecting the current American workplace as discussed in the assigned reading.
Since you can't write about everything, narrow your focus to one job or one kind of job and the most important thing you have learned from it.
At the same time, look at your experience from a larger perspective. How does your work experience relate to the wide landscape of American employment today? Are you one of many or a lucky or unlucky exception?
Most important, give examples and details to illustrate your points.