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Chicano: regional music of mexico

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

(Son Huasteco): CD 1.  Select ONE of the following:
a) Track 10, La Huasanga (Los Hermanos Calderón)
b) Track 11, El Caballito (El Ballet Folkórico de México)
c) Track 12, El Caimán (  Trio Chicontepec)
Include the title, the name of the composer (if known) and of the performer. Identify the instrument or instruments that stand out and mention anything that you noticed about how they were played (mánicos, plucking, bowing). Describe the singing style. Provide a summary of the lyrics (see the translations in the course reader) and point out any significant details.

. Length: One (1) page, double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font.

115 Words  1 Pages
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