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Traditional communication channels

 Question 1

            Traditionally, as much as advertising, persuading, and reminding customers about the existence of the company’s product in the market is concerned, the use of IMC will have to take into account the use of various communication tools. The reason for that is because they have the potential of delivering the perceived message to the targeted audience as well as making the customers understand that such a product has the potential of altering their perceptions and behaviors (Larry, 2014).

Question 2

            As much as traditional communication channels are concerned, the positioning statement for the PartnerLove Foundations will entail persuading and reminding potential customers that our customers have the potential of meeting their needs. In order to be in the position of turning such a positioning statement into the business strategy, there will be the need of using product promotional mix.  This will entail combining a wide range of marketing communication methods so as to have the potential of executing the perceived marketing activities. This will have to take into account the use of various personal experiences and skills for the purpose of communicating the business IMC plan (Lawrence, 2014).

Question 3

            Taking into consideration the 4Ps (price, place, product, and promotion), one of the strategies to be used in advertising such a product is when there is an extreme of such products in the market. In the process of using the existing media platforms, it will be possible to achieve the business objectives through coordinating such messages. In accordance with that, meeting the targeted consumers will have to take into account the need of ensuring that all the material concerning such a product has been prepared as required. With the usage of the existing media platforms, it will be easier to ensure that each stakeholder have been kept aware of the business’s marketing plans which entail meeting the needs of the targeted customers (Chitty et al., 2011). 















Chitty, W., Barker, N., Valos, M., & Shimp, T. A. (2011). Integrated marketing communications. South Melbourne, Vic: Cengage Learning

Larry, P. (2014). Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications. Routledge Press

Lawrence, A. (2014). Integrated Marketing Communications: A focus on new technologies and advanced theories. Cambridge University Press



364 Words  1 Pages
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