- Social Networking Sites: Making friends and Getting "Poked"
- Communication through the social networking sites has become common in all over the world (King 93). Everyone can pass a message and make friends through the social sites (King 93). Corporations get a chance to advertise through these sites that are used over the world. Face-book is one the networking site that most young people use to communicate and socialize. The other commonly used networking site is the, “twitter”. In addition to these two networking sites there are other sites that today’s generation is using known as, “2go” and “MySpace” (King 93).
- Information passes through these sites while using a computer or a device that has an access to the Internet. These social sites give an opportunity to make new friends who are from different types of the world. Politicians use the networking sites to pass messages to the entire public. President Obama is one of the respected political leaders who interact with the public through the social sites. Religious leaders have been using the social sites to pass the gospel (King 93).
- Another advantage of using the social sites as a mode of communication is that information can be posted while the user is available or not. This gives an opportunity to those who have no time of watching or listening to news to catch up with the going. Through the social sites, it is possible to get in-touch with lost friends. These helps in re-uniting lost family members with their people. Although, the advantages of using the social sites are many, there are some disadvantages of using these sites as a means of communication (Fraser & Dutta 42). One of the disadvantages is that some people may post dirty materials on someone’s wall without his or her consent. Another disadvantage is that with violence in a certain country, people may create bad blood against a certain tribe or political group using the social sites (Fraser & Dutta 44).
- References
- Fraser Matthew & Dutta Soumitra. Throwing sheep in the boardroom: how online social networking will transform your life, work and world. NewYork: John Wiley and Sons, 2008. Print.
- King David. Designing the digital experience: how to use experience design tools and techniques to build Websites customers love. New York: Information Today, Inc., 2008. Print.
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